I am very excited to announce the start of a new referral program for 2011 appropriately named, SpokesMOM!! It’s an easy way to earn FREE sessions and prints just by spreading the word about Into Memories Photography.
I am looking for 8 MOMS (or active GrandMOMS) in the CNY and NNY areas: 4 in CNY and 4 in NNY.
WHAT IS IT? A referral program for local Moms/GrandMoms who want to be SpokesMOMs for Into Memories Photography.
HOW IT WORKS: The SpokesMOM’s duties are simple: promote Into Memories Photography to your friends, family, co-workers, other moms, kid-related businesses, etc…Basically, your job is to help spread the word about my business when the opportunity presents itself!
For 1 year, Into Memories SpokesMOMs will be asked to:
- direct friends and family to your online gallery of photos taken by Into Memories Photography
- recommend and link to Into Memories Photography on Facebook, your family blog, and/or other social media sites that you are active on (Facebook, Blogger, Twitter)
- recommend people to check out our website at www.IntoMemories.com and all our recent work on our Blog at: www.intomemories.com/blog
- hand out referral cards with the images of your children – (Let other moms from work, your Mom’s groups or dance/gymnastics/soccer/school know about Into Memories Photography and keep a few referral cards (with your kids pictures on them!) in your purse to hand out when people ask who takes those fabulous pictures of your kids 🙂
- sport a window decal on your vehicle
- hand out/hang up marketing pieces in local areas of your community (library, daycares, doctor offices, children stores, etc.) All of the information that will be handed out/hung up (plus the window decal) will be provided to you at no charge.
- inform potential clients about the different types of photography services that are offered at Into Memories Photography: maternity, newborn, baby, kids, high school seniors, and weddings
- refer and book at least 1 portrait session in 2011 (The mom with the most booked referrals in 2011 will earn a FREE session in 2012 with a free CD with all of your images…that’s a $400 value!)
- ** keep in touch with Pam on your progress month to month, this is very important.**

WHAT WILL YOU GET? In return for all of your hard work showing off your child’s pictures with Into Memories Photography, SpokeMOMs are awarded:
- a free portrait session for 1 child, plus a $100.00 print credit toward product purchases
- a 25% discount on a future session in 2011 (The mom with the most booked referrals in 2011 will earn a free session in 2012 with a free CD with all of your images…that’s a $400 value!)
- 3 free mini accordion photo books to help you show off your images and spread the word
- free images to share on Facebook watermarked with Into Memories Photography Logo
- Images from your session will be used in studio product samples, on the website and blog, and in other marketing campaigns
HOW DO I SIGN UP?! Email me at pam@intomemories.com the answers to these questions below, and you will be entered to become an official SpokesMOM for 2011! Winners will be contacted via email ASAP. Please put either “NNY/CNY SpokesMOM” in the subject line. Good luck!
Your job will last all of 2011 and then 8 new moms (4 from CNY and 4 from NNY) will be chosen for 2012. You must be willing to only represent/use Into Memories Photography.
To enter yourself (or another deserving mom), e-mail me at pam@intomemories.com the following information: (Please put either “NNY/CNY SpokesMOM” in the subject line.)
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Address/City/State/Zip:
Your Phone Number:
How did you hear about Into Memories Photography?
How many children do you have?
What are their ages?
Are you active on Social Network Sites (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs, etc.), if so, which ones?
Facebook link:
Do you work/stay at home Mom? (If work, please tell me where.)
How often do you have your child’s pictures taken?
Where do you usually have your child’s pictures taken?
Why would you make you a great SpokesMOM (what makes you a better potential SpokesMOM than others; what groups, clubs or other organizations do you belong to where there might be moms looking for a photographer)?
Vehicle make/model/year/color:
Any additional comments:
If you have any questions, please let me know. Good luck!!